Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I Love You Forever

Dear Marilyn,

I know it's been awhile since I've wrote. We've just been so busy lately that I haven't had time to write. I am constantly busy with school and making sure you get the help you need. It's a bit overwhelming at times, but I don't mind because I love you so much.

You've grown up so much since October. I can't believe how much you have progressed. You are funny, energetic, and sweet. You always have been those things, but I can't stress it enough how amazing you are. You are talking more. You are in preschool and excelling there. You're teacher is so nice and treats you so good. You're still going to speech therapy and behavioral therapy. You and your sister are getting along really well. I mean, you fight like sisters, but you also love each other very much. The other day, I saw you sitting next to your sister and hugging her for no reason. I thought it was so cute and I teared up a little bit. You are also beginning to repeat everything your sister says. It's so cute how you idolize her. I thank God that I had you two a year apart. Everyone thinks you two are twins because you are both the same in height. We've just been thinking to say say "Yes", because we get asked that so much. We recently bought a keyboard for you to play on. You seem to like it. It's so cute watching you play the keys with your sister. You also have been into watching the movie, "Tron" over and over again. I'm sorry to say that I dislike that movie. It's okay because Daddy loves to watch it with you. Daddy also bought the soundtrack and you like listening to it. I have had enough of "Tron" so I decided to turn off the CD and put it on the radio, but then you yelled at me, "TRON!", so then I had to change it back. Anything for the Queen. I don't mind though. I love that you are unique. 

Sometimes you have your moments when you aren't so good. I know you can't help it, but it can be frustrating sometimes. Sunday we went to see your Dad's soccer game. It was going good until you started getting antsy and trying to run away from me. You then spilled some napkins on the floor and I told you to pick it up, but you wouldn't listen to me. It would have been easier to pick the napkins up myself and let you get away with it in public, but I wanted you to learn that you can't do that. I also wanted you to learn to listen to me. Well, you refused to pick it up and started throwing yourself on the floor, so I decided to pick you up and take you into the car. Instead of surrendering, you kicked and pulled my hair. I had to drag you out screaming. I didn't notice that there were some onlookers. I was so busy putting you in the car. While we were waiting in the car for your Dad's game to end, he came out and asked what happened. I told him. He then told me he was angry because some other mothers who were also at the game, were laughing at me because you were putting a struggle with me while we were leaving. It made me sick to my stomach to think that people can be like that. It made me extremely upset because it wasn't young mothers who were judging us, but some old ladies. I just don't understand how people can be so ignorant? I don't know why people are quick to judge other people with kids who are throwing temper tantrums? If I would have seen them laughing, I would have told them off myself. I just sat in the car and cried. How can people be so cruel? Daddy then went back into the soccer place and then told those women off. Usually I wouldn't condone that type of behavior, but those women deserved it. Autism happens to so many children, so why does the world not know what it is? Why are not a lot of people informed? Maybe when you're old enough to read this, it will be well known.

Well, baby...It's getting late. I just want to let you know that I'm grateful for having you in my life. I thank God for blessing me with you.

Love Always and Forever,