Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Second Entry

Dear Marilyn,

Yesterday went by pretty well. You met your new Head Start teacher. She's very nice and has a background in teaching children with disabilities. I was really proud of you. You did a memory game and matched every picture to its item. I was amazed how fast you did it. I was really happy when you let me read a book to you about farm animals. I was very excited when you even pressed the right sound button for each animal. You are so smart.

Yesterday, I put on "Why Kids Love Yoga" on TV for you, just to see if you'd actually do it. You actually did everything that the kids were doing on there without me even coaxing you! You looked like a little spaghetti noodle! It was too cute and I was really surprised that you tried doing yoga. Maybe we will try to do more things involving yoga for you.

The biggest and most memorable thing you did was last night. Daddy was upset and you went up to him and said, "Be happy". Daddy and I were so proud of you. Daddy cried because he was so overwhelmed with happiness. We really appreciate when you notice our feelings.

Even though there were good things going on last night, there were also one thing that drove me crazy. Last night you didn't want to go to sleep. I don't know what it is about the night, but you are like a little hamster at night. Jumping everywhere, laughing, and screaming. Thank god we bought that little trampoline so you can jump on that instead of jumping on us anymore. I don't know what it is about "A Bug's Life", but every time you see that movie, you have the urge to pounce and run around like crazy. I was getting a bit frustrated because you didn't want to go to sleep, but as soon as I told you to lay down, you sprawled out next to me and started to whine a little bit. I felt really bad, but I was really tired and I was up really early that day. I wasn't mad, just overly tired. We need to figure out a way to get you to sleep at night. You are my little night owl. Whenever you're ready to sleep on time, I'll be on board for that, but until then, I'm going to whine about being up past my bedtime. Forgive me, but I'm getting old. It's okay because when I'm a real old lady, you can make fun of me going to bed at 6 o'clock when you're bed time is 8 o'clock. I can laugh and tell you about the time you were my little night owl.

Well Marilyn, it's getting late. It's getting past my bedtime. I just want to tell you that I love you. You really make my life interesting. I love that about you.

Love Always and Forever,


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