Friday, November 12, 2010

Your Love is my Love

Dear Marilyn,

I just wanted to tell you that I didn't create this blog to embarrass you. I created to blog because I am proud of you. I want to use this blog to inform people about autism. What people don't realize is that autism can happen to any child. I never thought I would have any children with autism. I was aware that autism was common, but not common enough to happen to any of my children. Well, it did happen, but I'm not going to dwell on it. I decided to do something about it.

Since you've been diagnosed, it's been really tough. Going to school full time has taken its toll on me because I have many other things I need to do. Sometimes I feel bad because instead of spending time with you and trying to help you, I have to do school work, or study, or I'm at school all the time. I wish things were easier. I want to stay home with you all day and help you, but I need to finish school so we can have a better life.  I'm not going to lie, sometimes I have those days where I am overwhelmed and cry. I cry not because you have autism, but because there's so many things I have to get done and I don't have enough time to do it. We have so many places to be like your therapy and your school that it has made my study time for school shrink. If I didn't have this blog to blow off some steam then I would absolutely loose it.

On another note, last night we watched ,"Scott Pilgrim vs. The World". During the music scenes, when whatever band would jam, I taught you how to head bang. I ended up regretting it because you wouldn't stop doing it! It was cute and funny at first, but then you continued doing it and thought it was hilarious. I guess you can thank me later on when you go to your first rock concert and start headbanging like nobody's business. I've thought about signing you up for piano lessons, but have second thoughts because you tend to be fidgety and don't sit still. It's alright though because you are still young enough to get away with it. I do notice you are musically gifted so I do want you to learn to play something, even if its the "triangle". haha :-)

Last night we also ended up going to the arcade with Daddy and your sister. It was so hilarious watching you put the tokens into the game. At first, you were a little unsure of the place. You also ended up covering your ears, but that's only because you're sensitive to sound. It's alright though, because you ended up putting your hands down and started in on the fun after a while. I have to say, I think Dad had more fun playing the games than any one of us. I had a lot of fun last night with the family and so did you. You were very happy because with our prize tickets, you go to pick out which items you wanted. You picked out some silly putty, that sounds like someone farted when you push it down the container. You thought it was hilarious when it made that sound. Daddy picked out a whoopie cushion. I can't say that I'm shocked about that. Your sister picked out one of those squishy balls that feel weird. I don't know what the are called, but when I find out, I will get back to you.

I just want to say that I love you so much. I am extremely happy that you are my child.

Love Always and Forever,

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